Mind Mapping

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Face Reading...!

One of my friends at Yale Department of Psychology seems to be a master at deducing typical characteristics of people (temperament, attitude, enthusiasm level) by observing them closely for a day.Now I don't know what the logic is from a psychological eprspective but then when I sit down on Saturdays to draw sketches - all my sketches are indeed based on facial expressions of characters.Which means that certainly our subconscious judges people fromtheir face value, from their external appearance & vibes.

Let me spend some time researching more on the subject this week.By the way wikipedia refers to this thory as Physiognomy...!

Physiognomy comes from Greek physiognomonia, from physiognomon, "judging character by the features," from physis, "nature, physique, appearance" + gnomon, "one who knows, hence an examiner, a judge," from gignoskein, "to know."

Friday, June 15, 2007

Reaching Out...!

I feel too set in my ways to absorb fresh skills. Seems the rate at which I am taking in information is way too slower than I once did. Confusion is whether my sincere desire to grow as an individual would be met? Dunno :( However, since I am putting in a new post I am supposed to share new words I learnt today. So here they are....

Fulminate: To explode or detonate, loudly with sudden violence.
"Chinmay lets others fulminate on his behalf while he maintains his gentlemanly demeanor."

Broach: To introduce, as in.
"We broached our plans for the new year party during Christmas Dinner."

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Happy Word Building

Everytime there will be something that will mesmerise you!!! Isn't it? Correct me if I am wrong ;-)

Somehow, I felt like talking about that "something" that mesmerises me a lot ! Well, let me not make out a web now , its the "word" world that fascinates me a lot! But as they say , pursue your dreams and this shot came to my mind all of a sudden to pursue this dream of mine-- a new blog again to pursue my "word" world dreams , lets build up that "word" web :-)

Too much of talking now,as a start let me share one word for today with my esteemed audience before I start my new blog ...

The word for the day is "Jaywalk"

jaywalk (JAY-wok) verb intr.
The above word implies the meaning :
To cross a street in a reckless manner, disregarding traffic rules.

Short snippet (I am sure this would be of interest to you coz.. everyone like short stories :-)) :
The name jaybird denotes a naive person or simpleton.

Early last century, country folks visiting big cities were often obliviousof any approaching traffic when they were crossing streets. Eventually their nickname, jays, became associated with crossing a street illegally.

Well, catch you all with my upcoming blog on words very soon, will post the url in my next post.

Till then, happy word building!! ;-)

Monday, September 04, 2006

The 3rd September,2006 walk into the "The Lunt-Fontanne Theatre" at New York was one of the moments that I would cherish forever.Built in 1910 as the Globe and renamed as the Lunt-Funtanne in 1958 in honor of the famed acting couple,this handsome theatre is now owned by a Nederlander organisation.
The house's most recent productions have been Titanic ; A Mid-summer's night Dream; The Three sisters etc.From mid- 1932 until 1957 this theatre was a movie house with its entrance on Broadway,New York.At this time,the house was restored to legitimacy by completely redoing it in an elegant eigteenth century style.The entrance has now returned to its original 46thStreet location , and the theatre was renamed the Lunt-Fontanne.The gala reopening of the theatre starred the Lunts -one of the great actresses,in one of their best plays-The Visit.It was their last appearance on Broadway.The theatre as, you must have been thinking by now, has graced many shows of substance alltogether.

The clock ticked 1:30 p.m with the sunny afternoon at New York and we were all occupying our seats at the theatre for the well reknowned musical play :"Beauty and the beast"--the most accoladed fairy tale.
The fairy tale is one of the compilations of the childhood memoirs of everyone's one fourth phase of life..

One upon a time ,there lived a handsome, but self-absorbed prince who owned a moonlite castle.One day he was pleaded by an old and needy lady witha rose in her hand, but he treated her badly with much of disrespect and this further took a toll on the life of the prince.In response to the bad behavior shown by the prince,the old lady turned out to be a beautiful woman with magical skills and she threw the prince into a spell of ugliness and loneliness--the beast.Much before the prince could plead to the lady to forgive him,it was too late. His staff were transformed into... well objects to do with their profession. He had a magical mirror to watch the world through in his isolation. He needed to learn to love a person for who they are, and get them to love him with his good mannerisms but the beast transformation was a hindrance to all mannerisms. In the village nearby,lived a beautiful young girl who always felt lonely and misunderstood, 'cause she read books, and seems to be the only one who used to like reading books. She had daydreams about getting out, getting a better life, meeting a prince. Her father was a "nutty professor" who was always into flop inventions but in other ways very true at heart.One day he went off to compete at an inventors' fair but he got lost in the woods and ends up a prisoner at the beast's castle. His daughter,when started looking for him, found him there and pleaded the beast to let her father go, in return for her staying there with the beast. It was a done deal and girl was trapped in the castle with the beast and his.. staff. She read books, enjoyed musical numbers such as "Beauty and the beast" and "Be our guest", and managed to befriend the beast. In the village there was an ignorant and manly Gaston who was upset that pretty girl wasn't interested in him. When her father claimed that she was trapped with a beast, Gaston saw the opportunity to have him committed to a mental hospital, thereby forcing the girl to marry him. This almost worked, but the beast lets the pretty girl out and she is just in time to save her father and prove there is a good heart within the Beast. She shows them the magical mirror and Gaston takes a posse to go and kill the beast. And the ending begins....
The Beast killed Gaston, but not before he was wounded. He is turned back into the prince by a magical "shot" transformation, and all the other objects turn back into people with a "whoosh", and they have a wedding for pretty girl and the Prince. However, only the aftermath could turn back the time in the prince's life,could you realise what was that? It was his hospitality , in other words his gregarioys heart within the beast helped him sail through his petios of curse..So,"Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what's right to the mankind,it can be anywhere! even at your workplace!
You will find the story more charming once you open your childhood face to read this vivid fairy tale with a deep morale.So, why is your maturity stopping, go and smile the child like way to the world....

Friday, August 11, 2006

Lets explore into who’s who theme a bit to spot about Richard P. Feynman—the man who’s got the geek appeal in spades. He’s the person who was known for breaking safes while working on the Manhattan project. Later, he was a widely loved Professor of Quantum Physics and was the coolest Nobel laureate ever. He was also very enthusiastic about things beyond science; he was an avid drummer and dabbled in painting as well. Hell, he’s even got his own Think Different poster!

The book “Surely You must be Joking Mr. Feynman” is an epitome of the curious within of Feynman’s innovative and intelligent ways of solving things with a simple twist of brain. A few stories from the book give us an insight into the same:
**”FIXING RADIOS BY THINKING”—wherein young Richard goes to a guy’s house, looks at a broken radio, walks around for a few minutes(to the concern of the radio’s owner), then proceeds to fix it by twiddling with one little part. Fixing radios with no prior training was a quite noticeable in that curious character.

**Feynman visited the plant where uranium was being extracted for the Manhattan project. His purpose was to prevent the factory from exploding by ensuring they did not store volatile chemicals too close to each other for too long. It was his second trip and he was reviewing the plans for the factory with two other men, but didn’t really know how to read blueprints. They’d been going on for twenty minutes and he didn’t want to look like an idiot and ask “what’s this symbol mean?” Instead, he pointed at what he thought was a valve and asked “what if this one fails?” They first responded,”oh it will be OK”, but when he was asked later how he found it so quickly he said , “just ask which one is a valve”.
So, you definitely want to read the book of such a curious character, even if you’re not into quantum physics and the like. Advanced geekery isn’t required. It’s really a fun to read about such an inquisitive and multifaceted intellectual.
The book goes on to explore his days working in Los Alamos on the atomic bomb and how he learned to pick the locks (for fun) of safes that contained top-secret information.

The book "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" does not have any traditional or methodical format of reading dictation. Instead, it is a collection of stories, anecdotes, and views that Dr. Feynman has held throughout the various periods of his life.

The book covers the major aspects of his life, beginning with his boyhood on Long Island, continuing on to his work at Los Alamos on the atomic bomb—the genius in him spoke out at a tender age itself, and culminated with his various adventures further in teaching. Dr. Feynman recalls his undergraduate years at MIT, his graduate studies at Princeton, his stint at Cornell, and how he ended up at Caltech, with a brief divergence in Brazil, so the curios genius never missed out any of great temple of knowledge centres. Interestingly enough, Feynman avoids talking about the two events that have made him the most famous: his Nobel Prize and his participation in the Challenger Disaster investigation. While reading this book, one is repeatedly made aware of Dr. Feynman's insatiable curiosity for world around him and the people that inhabit it. He was never afraid to experience the new and unknown things. That same insatiable curiosity also got him into several dangerous situations. On one occasion he almost set his bedroom on fire during one of his childhood home laboratory "experiments." His irreverence for and ignorance of social propriety shocked his fraternity brothers at MIT, and caused the wife of Princeton University dean to exclaim, "Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman!”, so here comes the origin of the title of the book.

Dr. Feynman continually exploited the laws and realms of science for the greatest possible enjoyment. His awe and joy for how the universe works is infectious, and readers will find themselves stopping to wonder why they never asked themselves the questions that he poses. "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" is a very enjoyable, can't-put-it-down read. Be you an English major, or a budding physicist, the human story behind an esteemed scientist is captivating and reveals that science, and the people behind it, are not as dry as your high school physics textbook may have lead you to believe…

Thursday, April 20, 2006

As said by Shripad Dharmadhikary of the NBA(Narmad Bachao Aandolan) in early May about what is likely to happen during this monsoon:

"Most families would be stranded . . . or dumped by the government at inadequate, ill-prepared 'resettlement' sites . . . Many families would face a worse situation as the rising waters would fill up the numerous streams and gullies, cutting off access roads, and slowly turning the undulating region into a series of isolated islands . . . The houses could be marooned for as long as 4-6 months."

The families threatened are not only those who have refused to move because of their opposition to SSP(Sardar Sarovar Project), but also many who have accepted that the dam will be built and have asked for resettlement but who have not been given anywhere to go.So we can see that the welfare of the common man is getting affected and anything that goes against the social cause is not viable to be implemented!

What do you say folks????Go and hit your nerves!!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Be smarter at work, slack offIn a world of too much work and too much multitasking, the best way to beat the competition may be to do less.Remember the story of Archimedes lolling in his bathtub? To an observer, he'd have seemed to be wasting time. While ostensibly doing nothing, however, he discovered the principle of displacement, a cornerstone of physics. Would he have reached the same insight in a quick shower?Unlikely. And while you might say that's ancient history, don't be too sure.Consider that for most industries, the U.S. can't hope to be the low-cost producer in a global economy. With innovation now our main competitive strength, creativity is crucial for anyone who wants to move up.But it's really, really hard, if not impossible, for the human brain to come up with fresh new ideas when its owner is overworked, overtired, and stressed out. And in today's wonderful world of nonstop work, 40% of American adults get less than seven hours of sleep on weeknights."The physiological effects of tiredness are well-known. You can turn a smart person into an idiot just by overworking him," notes Peter Capelli, a professor of management at Wharton.Still, putting in more than 50 hours a week at the office has become routine -- and that doesn't count time spent doing paperwork at home, answering e-mail at the airport, or talking on the phone in the car.Sooner or later, companies' performance has to reflect that, Capelli says. "On the organizational level, what you get is, everyone is so focused on running flat-out to meet current goals that the whole company is unable to step back and think."Indeed, "the notion that busyness is the essence of business can only do us long-term harm," writes consultant Tom DeMarco in a book called Slack: Getting Past Burnout, Busywork, and the Myth of Total Efficiency.DeMarco knows the word "slack" has some not-so-hot connotations -- slacking off, slacker, slack-jawed... -- but his definition is different: the degree of freedom required to effect change."Companies need to respect the time it takes to do strategic thinking," he says. "Task-oriented thinking is important too, of course. But bigger thinking is slow."The late Peter Drucker agreed. He wrote in The Effective Executive (an eerily prescient 40 years ago), "All one can think and do in a short time is to think what one already knows and to do as one has always done." Gulp.Moreover, in Drucker's view, simply working longer and longer hours won't help. "To be effective, every knowledge worker, and especially every executive...needs to dispose of time in fairly large chunks," he wrote. "To have small dribs and drabs of time at his disposal will not be sufficient even if the total is an impressive number of hours."Hmm, small dribs and drabs of time...and, just think, the BlackBerry hadn't been invented yet.The multitasking trapIt's not really news that so-called multitasking can actually make people less effective at their jobs. One detailed study five years ago by psychologists at the University of Michigan demonstrated that, because the human brain needs time to shift gears between tasks, the more switching back and forth you have to do -- between, say, talking on the phone, reading e-mail, and thinking about your next meeting, all while scarfing down a sandwich at your desk -- the less proficiently you will tackle any of it (except maybe the sandwich).The "time cost" of refocusing your attention may be only a few seconds with each switch, but the researchers found that, over time, it reduced people's total efficiency by 20% to 40%.Seeing connections, when you have timeWhat scientists have only recently begun to realize is that people may do their best thinking when they are not concentrating on work at all. If you've ever had a great idea pop into your head while you were washing your car, walking your dog, or even napping, you already know what a team of Dutch psychologists revealed last month in the journal Science: The unconscious mind is a terrific solver of complex problems when the conscious mind is busy elsewhere or, perhaps better yet, not overtaxed at all.This brings us back to Archimedes, whose "Eureka!" moment in the bath -- or, to cite another example, Isaac Newton's discovery of gravity while loafing around under an apple tree -- was a classic example of a kind of creativity known as remote association, or associative thinking. As the name implies, it's a knack for seeing connections among things that appear on the surface to be unrelated to each other.For example, consider this sample question from the standard test for this trait, as developed by a University of Southern California psychologist named Sarnoff Mednick: "What word is related to the following other three? Cookies, sixteen, heart."If you answered "sweet," well done.Great innovators score off the charts in associative thinking, but most of us are capable of it to some degree -- if given enough slack, in Tom DeMarco's sense of the word.So it could well be that, in the era of knowledge work, the most prosperous companies will turn out to be those that encourage people to build some slack into their days. (A first step, according to DeMarco, might be to cancel as many meetings as possible.)The Google exampleIf you doubt it, consider Google. On February 23, the company unveiled a new product called Page Creator, which allows people who can't write HTML code to create their own web pages quickly and easily.Within hours, this was such a smash hit that the company had to put a temporary limit on the number of Google ( Research) users who can sign up for it.Page Creator is the brainchild of an engineer named Justin Rosenstein whose relatives were constantly bugging him to build web pages for them. He came up with the elegant technology behind the product while noodling around at the office on a project unrelated to his regular job.Google's headquarters in Mountain View, Calif., is a famously laid-back place, replete with lap pools, massage rooms, pool tables, free haute cuisine, and loads of other stress-reducing amenities like onsite dry cleaners and hair stylists."We want to take as much hurry and worry out of people's lives as we can, because a relaxed state of mind unleashes creativity," says Stacy Sullivan, the company's HR director. "And everybody's on flextime here, so we don't reward face time or working super-long hours. We just measure results."In the end, what else matters? Of course, not every workplace can match Google's. But plenty of companies might do a lot worse than to emulate the thinking behind it.
