Mind Mapping

Thursday, April 20, 2006

As said by Shripad Dharmadhikary of the NBA(Narmad Bachao Aandolan) in early May about what is likely to happen during this monsoon:

"Most families would be stranded . . . or dumped by the government at inadequate, ill-prepared 'resettlement' sites . . . Many families would face a worse situation as the rising waters would fill up the numerous streams and gullies, cutting off access roads, and slowly turning the undulating region into a series of isolated islands . . . The houses could be marooned for as long as 4-6 months."

The families threatened are not only those who have refused to move because of their opposition to SSP(Sardar Sarovar Project), but also many who have accepted that the dam will be built and have asked for resettlement but who have not been given anywhere to go.So we can see that the welfare of the common man is getting affected and anything that goes against the social cause is not viable to be implemented!

What do you say folks????Go and hit your nerves!!